

Public Notebooks πŸ—’οΈβ¬†οΈ

The intention of these notes is to better understand business, work, jobs, education, skills, products, services, design, development, industries, markets, economies (and economics).
The intention of these notes is to better understand business, work, jobs, education, skills, products, services, design, development, industries, markets, economies (and economics).
β—‹ Spaces, β—‡ Sliced, β–‘ Packets, β–³ Things
The four notebook types have their own purpose, breadth/depth of information, structure of content, workflows, and intended outcomes.
The four notebook types have their own purpose, breadth/depth of information, structure of content, workflows, and intended outcomes.
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⇣ for the editors
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If you do not have permission then that will be the case. We are working to make all of our notes public β€” check back.
This dropdown may not show anything. If you do not have permission then that will be the case. We are working to make all of our notes public β€” check back.